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St John the Baptist's Church - South African War
Clock Plaque setting Plaque
Last known location:
St John the
 Baptist's Church
High St (B6014)
Nearest postcode:
DE55 5NU

SK 44065 60873 (From online digital mapping.)
Location details:
The clock is in the tower, the plaque is on the west wall of the nave at the base of the tower.
Overall type: Clock.

Overall condition: Good. The inscription is legible.


A church clock with accompanying plaque. The oblong brass plaque has a narrow incised border infilled in black and an incised inscription in upright sentence case gothic lettering infilled in black with rubricated initials.


Component Material Height Width Depth Condition
Clock Unknown - - - Good
Plaque Brass c200 c400 c2 Good
Dimensions in millimetres ±5mm unless stated otherwise.
To the Glory of God and in memory of
her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria
and of those who fell in the War in South Africa
The Clock in the Tower of this Church
was erected by Public Subscription
in the year of Our Lord 1901.

Conflicts and people named:
Conflict Second Boer War (1899 -1902)
Number died 0
Number served and returned 0
Total names 0
Custodian: Presumed to be the Parochial Church Council.

Local authorities:
From 1900: Tibshelf Parish Council; Blackwell Rural District Council; Derbyshire County Council
From 1974: Tibshelf Parish Council; Bolsover District Council; Derbyshire County Council.
8th July, 1966: The church was listed Grade II, Heritage List for England number 1108936.

11th July, 2015: The memorial was recorded by Alan Willmot. It was in good condition.
Derbyshire Times; 2rd November, 1900: A report on a proposal to install a clock in the church in commemoration of the termination of the war and as a memorial for those who have fallen.

Derbyshire Times; 24th March, 2010: A report on the meeting of Tibshelf Parish Council when it was proposed that the clock winding mechanism should be electrified at a cost of £6500.
Page © Roy Branson